Better late than never - and that's where I was heading!

Have you ever wanted to just get things done, and then panic? Well, welcome to the life of this artist. As Covid hit in 2020 I began my canvas and furniture artistic journey and boy did I love it! (STILL DO)! I did facebook lives, posted regularly, created a variety of art, resin pieces, pet portraits, furniture, boutique sales, craft shows and online sales - to name a few. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Then 2021 came along, covid was still here, art show & craft shows closed, my precious Hokie passed over the rainbow bridge and I started feeling like what if I can’t keep this up? What if I fail? I believe so many of us can relate to that feeling and I’m sorry for neglecting my website. One thing I need to do in ‘22 is work on my business tools (even though its no fun - who’s with me on that)?

Oh, but Luanne, What if you FLY!

I gave myself some grace, as we ALL should do at times and revamped my art style. Resin is a tough one since Pgh weather is not the best for it - so that will be saved for Summertime and special projects. My canvas art and pet portraits have taken off (posting all of my great pets is on the list) and I have ventured into more intuitive art and…NUDIES lol! They have been featured in The Manos Gallery In Tarentum. If you’re local to Pgh its a really cool place - you should stop bye! Different artists are featured monthly and there is a style and price point for everyone. Tell Ernesto Luanne sent you ;). I also plan on doing furniture live on facebook in the next few months - so if you feel inclined, please follow me (same name) :).

I’d love to have some input on what you’d like to see me create - or even something new to try! If you have any questions, please reach out. This might not be my best blog post - but it’s a start. And it’s the start that stops most people…

Luanne Haak