Nobody puts baby in a corner...

But should I paint one way.

True Story: I get asked all of the time what type of art I paint. What is my niche? And honestly, I sometimes feel like I’ve shrunken down a peg, or two, or three when asked. As a professional artist - shouldn’t I paint one style? Shouldn’t I use one prominent medium? Shouldn’t I know all of the famous artists, their styles, their genre? Should I have been an art major in college instead of journalism? Am I even a professional artist? It’s all tricky to me. I love to paint with acrylics. I am enamored with mixed media. I’ve dabbled in alcohol inks and watercolors. I definitely created a LOT with Resin. I ran a Faux Finish business for over 25 years. I dive deep in to color. I paint pets, cows, pigs, frogs, flowers and lions (oh my). You’ll also see some portraits in my portfolio. There’s whimsy, texture, animal and intuitive art hanging on my collectors’ walls. And a few nudes. Oh yea, also the abstract that I love to create - almost forgot about them! I should probably open up a piece of furniture that I painted’s drawer to see if their is anything else…

Art is subjective. So, In my opinion, if there are multiple people who like a multitude of different styles of art why do we, as artists, need to limit ourselves? I don’t think I can, but should I? (serious question). As followers and art collectors - do you think it is more important for an artist to focus on a single style, or be more dynamic in their approach? My niche would most definitely be my use of color - but I’m not going to lie - I’m hankering to do a more neutral color palette soon. So, who wins here? The Jack of all trades, now a master of one OR Nobody puts baby in the corner? Asking for a friend ;)…

Luanne Haak