It's 2023 - YIPEE!

Who’s with me on that?

Bringing in the new year is the perfect time to set aaaaallll of those goals we’ve had mulling in our minds. Are you a goal setter? I’m really not, but that is the ONE thing I’d really like to change this year. People that know me say that I’m very disciplined but truly, that’s only if I have a game plan to follow. No game plan and I become Willy Freaking Nilly. My husband Jim ALWAYS says to me “Fail to plan, plan to fail” and I hate it when he’s right…

So, what am I going to do? Set the damn goal, make the plan. Break it down into doable practices and don’t quit if (and when) I eff up, are you catching what I’m throwing here? I’ve dropped it many times but am determined to stay in the game.

What are some of my goals? Well, since you asked I’ll tell you ;). Plus, I want to put these out into the Universe…

  • I want to grow my business. I want to study and create more abstract art, continue with my beloved pet portraits and shake up my style. It seems easy enough in writing - but, like many people, I tend to stay within my comfort zone and I want out of that - that’s where all of the mess and magic happens!

  • I want to do more shows. I am an extroverted introvert. I LOVE meeting and getting to know new people. Making the new conversation? Not so much. I know that sharing my art is a great way to do that. The only problem I can foresee is that I equally love staying home. In my jammies.

  • I want to eat vegan. This is a tough one, because I never question desserts.

  • Of course, I want to workout more, drink more water, meditate more, be more organized - the standard New Years Resolutions.

  • And lastly (not really, I have plenty more) I want to wear more dresses - weird, right? I am the youngest of 5 (soon to be 60), the only girl in my family and unless it’s a wedding I never wear a dress. Ever. I think it’s time.

  • OK, THIS is lastly : I want to serve you better. If you like my blogs, my website, my art let me know! If you want to see changes let me know! What are YOU looking for- especially on here or my social pages-let me know! Tutorials? Tips? Freebies? Fun? Let me know!

  • OK, THIS IS THE LAST LASTLY: I want to keep my website updated, grow my email list (please tell your friends) and blog 1-2x’s monthly. This might be as tough for me as eating vegan or getting out of my jammies, - but I’m committed…

Do you believe in putting your goals and intentions out into the universe? I surely do!

If you don’t already, please follow My Little Flower Designs on Facebook and Instagram and share with your friends!



Luanne Haak1 Comment