Taking a Better Pet Portrait


We all have that absolute favorite picture of our pet, but sometimes that picture is not the best option for recreating it into a portrait!

Here are some tips to make sure that we create the best piece to represent your furry family member.

  1. Lighting.  This is very important and natural light is always best.  Make sure the source of light is in front of your pet to avoid shadows and back lighting.  I love when your pet is looking directly at the camera but this not always a necessity and something we can discuss.

  2. Composition.  Here’s where you get down on your pets level to take the photo.  Taking a picture from above them can lead to distorting their body.  When you’re at their level the eyes also don’t glow - which helps to create that realistic feature we all love!  If there is a collar, tag or harness that you love and want included in your photo please make sure it’s visible.

  3. Quality of photo.  While I am creating your piece of art from a photo that you sent me, it must be a good, quality photo.  Please avoid sending anything dark, grainy or blurry.  I ask that you send about 4 different pictures and we work to decide which one would be best!

  4. Background.  Here is where my pop of color comes in!  Sometimes we can enhance your background in the pic and sometimes we create our own.  This is always discussed in the planning stage of your piece of art.

Luanne Haak