Bloom Where You are planted...


Can I just talk about creating something different? Let’s call it our Pivot piece. Our Get out of your own head piece. Your Just do it piece. That is what my “Bloom where you are planted” piece transpired from. I created this piece of furniture by passing by my perennial garden every morning. Every morning that I was supposed to go and meet my girlfriends and walk, talk and share some coffee. Supposed to. You see, we all know that the year 2020 starting in March has thrown all of us for a loop. For some, more seriously than others. An invisible virus that has sidelined us to obey stay at home orders. No going out to eat. No gathering of friends. No shopping. No socializing. Stay at home. Wear your mask. I’m an introvert at heart so I just said to myself “I got this. I was actually MADE for this”. Turns out I wasn’t. I missed doing things I didn’t think I needed to do. I became a little depressed. I over ate. I had to pivot. A LOT. And I bet you did too. I decided to up-cycle a piece of furniture. A dark piece of furniture - kinda where my mind was at the time in March until late Spring Then, the beautiful colors of Mother Nature started to show her glory. Every day when I passed my little patch of a garden I felt a sense of joy. Colorful joy and I loved that feeling. It took my mind away from everything that I could no longer do and painting this piece brought me the same feeling. I’m sure every human struggled in some way with the changes 2020 brought us. It’s what we chose to do with those struggles that define us, at least me. So I painted flowers. I felt like a new me was blooming. And I love that feeling! Please, take the time to take care of yourself - whatever it is you would like to do! Paint. Learn a new language. Exercise. Meditate. Cook. Wherever you feel you are planted on this day that you’re reading this, at this moment, PIVOT. And bloom…

Luanne Haak